Friday, July 29, 2016

2016 Mini-Fall Furlough Schedule (5 Reasons to Connect with out Support Team)

RO4Y Tour Stops

"USA or bust!!!
We look forward to reconnecting with our RO4Y family this August! 

Not only will we be sharing about what God has done at the Ranch in 2016, we'll be traveling with a variety of artisan crafts from our trade school, as well as Hope Coffee from Honduras.

Hasta Pronto!

Tuesday, August 9                                 Arrive in Chicago                                              USA

Wednesday, August 10           Bachleitner Family / South Shore Church           Fond du Lac, WI

Sunday, August 14                            Freedom Fellowship Church                        Kaukauna, WI

Monday, August 15                        Beard Family Open House                         Bloomingdale, IL

Sunday, August 21                      Calvary Chapel Morgantown                         Morgantown, WV

Sunday, August 28                           Calvary Community Church                       Cedar Rapids, IA

Tuesday, August 30                           Rancho Oasis for Youth                        Ojojona, Honduras

While in the USA, the Beards can be reached at:
641-843-8455 (Mare's #)

Ministry donation requests:
scrap-booking & card-stock paper, old maps, magazines, beads, cords, neckties and jewelry supplies; soccer cleats (sizes 6 - 9), shin guards; 3/4 guitars (child size); used (for trade school) or new, medium guitar strings; Spanish books (children's and Christian inspirational) for our library.

The U-25 soccer team models their new jersey

Fact #1:  
To raise awareness of the ministry happening

          God’s Spirit is changing the lives of children, teens
and their families in the rural mountains of southern Honduras.

The trade school students have a moments laughter caught on camera!

          Your friendship, partnership and prayers are critical for our success!
Will you join our support team?

          [Paul & Barnabas] called the church together and reported everything God had done through them. Acts 14:27 (NLT)

One of the trade school students, Darlin, designs a paper-bead necklace.

Fact #2:  
To increase our financial support so we can influence more lives

          The Ranch has been blessed with consistent financial giving to cover all of our basic ministry needs. With more monthly support we can expand current projects that we have in the community to help with people's standard of living and mental/spiritual health, plus give us more in roads to communicate the Gospel.  The reality is that money is necessary to provide the services we offer to the youth of Ojojona and Tegucigalpa.

One of our 3-month interns helps lead a Bible study with the elementary girls.

We've had approximately a year-and-a-half living on our new 17 acre property.
We will be collecting funds to improve the property and pay off our interest-free loan!
Major projects include new staff house, new fencing and finalizing several construction projects: the Beard's home/team meal hall, ministry house renovation, and the equestrian riding areas. 

 A large financial invest would be a major blessing. 

Please inquire about other financial needs.

We trust that God will provide for the ministry's needs;
Is He calling you to be involved financially?

You Philippians were the only ones who gave me financial help when I first brought you the Good News. Philippians 4:15 (NLT)

Riva, a short-term team member from one of our supporting churches,
leads a daily devotional with the Ranch Oasis women staff

Fact #3: 
To call the body of Christ to come along side us
by organizing short-term missions teams

          The majority of the Ranch’s construction projects are completed by groups and the money & labor they put into the buildings. Completed projects mean more opportunity to share the Gospel. We've also expanded outreach to the community via VBS, community/RO4Y family construction projects, health seminars, a youth purity conference, rummage sales and special dinners. Teams have also joined us by participating in the regular scheduled events of the ministry week, like leading Bible studies and teaching new crafts.

So much construction as been accomplished in the ministry season of 2016! 
Yet, so much is left to improve on this 17 acre property.

This team helps us finish out the roof of our new workshop / storage building.

          We also recognize the dynamic spiritual change that can happen during a missions trip. Marillyn and I are serving as full-time missionaries because of our short-term experiences. 

It’s a kingdom building investment at the Ranch and in your life.
Is God calling you to invest a week or more of your life for His kingdom in Honduras this year?

The Holy Spirit said, “Dedicate Barnabas and Saul for the special work to which I have called them.” Acts 13:2 (NLT)

RO4Y's ministry partners Bible study.

Fact #4:
 To recruit short-term (3 month) and long-term staff & families

          In the field, Rancho Oasis is two full-time North American staff, one full-time Honduran staff, several part-time Honduran staff and a family of six that includes one bi-lingual adult, a deaf woman who is proficient in Spanish communication and five children under the age of ten. We are stretched to the max and amazed at all that God is doing. We’ve seen God move even more when another adult or young person joins us in ministry. (We are praying specifically for someone to assist Jon with the construction projects and maintenance of the property.)

Newest RO4Y staff, Melody, will focus on the equestrian and animals ministries!

          Reality is we can’t accomplish what God has called us to do on our own.
God is preparing each one of us in the body of Christ to serve and advance His kingdom.
Will you test God’s faithfulness to you at Rancho Oasis?

God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10 (NLT)

A beautiful Honduran sun set.

Fact #5:
For some R & R: "Refreshment and Rejuvenation"

          7 months of ministry with all of its ups and downs can be invigorating to the soul, but draining on the body. The Beards are looking forward to reconnecting with friends and family, as well as enjoying time as a couple! (This year Jon and Marillyn are having a "baby-moon" before the birth of their 5th child. Marillyn's parents will be watching the kids in Honduras in their absence!)

That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying,
our spirits are being renewed every day. 2 Corinthians 4:16 (NLT)

We look forward to seeing you this August!!
Keep these goals in your prayers!!! 

Saturday, July 9, 2016

2016 - May/June Photo N Prayer Review

Yep! "Cinco" is on his/her way!!!
PRAY for the Beard family with their unexpected/unplanned blessing. The kids are done with school for the season and Mom & dad are loving it/going crazy!

Newest Ranch Staff Melody Cary works with Tobias on cleaning tac.
PRAY for Melody as she transitions into life at RO4Y.
She has spent the last 3+ years teaching at an English bi-lingual school in the northern part of Honduras. She has years of equestrian experience and will be a valuable addition to the Ranch combining horse therapy, evangelism and discipleship.

Gracias Calvary Community Church from Sumner, Washington!

Building & setting roof trusses and installing the roof panels.

PRAISE: We had a short, but good week with our first time visitors from the north-west. PRAISE that Wayne Goranson, Marillyn's father, was available and ran the construction crew while Jon focused on the missionary mechanic and our car repair.

PRAY for our next team of twelve arriving on July 17th from suburban San Diego. The team will finish the work on the workshop/warehouse, be involved with the Ranch's regular weekly outreach, as well as a special staff Bible study - one for the ladies and one for the guys!

After SIX MONTHS of waiting, the Beard family has wheels!!! PTL!!!

Our Honduran mechanic, Ivan, meets traveling missionary/all-things-mechanic/evangelist,
Kip Ramirez, with the new transmission at their feet.
PRAISE the Lord for Kip and his wife Melisa!
PRAISE the Lord that the transmission was paid for & shipped to Honduras and arrived BEFORE Kip did! Quite a miracle! PRAY for Ivan as he made a commitment to Christ during the week.

The RO4Y guys meet for discipleship in the book of John.
Jon, Oscar and new ranch-hand Nelson (aka "Machi")

PRAY for the Rancho Oasis staff:
Lucinda has gone on furlough for the months of July & August.
Melody will depart in early August for a few months to raise a support team.
Ilsy has taken a month off from Ranch responsibilities to rest.
Lesly, Dunia and Keyla are working a bit more hours (that they wanted & needed) to make up for Ilsy's absence.
Oscar has weekends off now that Machi is assisting him.
And Jon and Marillyn have a short-furlough planned for August
Heads-up Freedom Fellowship, Wisconsin
Calvary Chapel Morgantown
and Calvary Community in Cedar Rapids, Iowa!!!

Jose de la Paz and his crew have made massive progress on our ministry partner's house,
"Casa de Apoyo"

The guys add the first row of adobe bricks to the rock & mortar foundation!

PRAISE for God's miraculous provision!
PRAY we can get a roof on BEFORE the rains really hit in October!

Sisters, Keyla & Dunia, work on bags for the trade school sales from our Etsy store.
PRAY that God would increase awareness of the trade school and continue to provide for the students.

Yearly Baptism with our English speaking fellowship in Tegucigalpa: Union Church.
PRAISE for the friendships & ministry that we have @ Union.

Soccer guys devotional through the book of John.
PRAY for these young men to grow in Christ. PRAISE: We ended the season in 7th place of 8 teams, but were awarded the "Most Disciplined Team" award (aka - least amount of fouls!)

2nd Law of Missionary Dynamics: It's going to break, eventually!
PRAY for us as we endure a season of things breaking and getting fixed!
The Durango has been in the shop a few more times, the generator was surging but has been fixed (but not tested on our homes), our water pump has broke twice (praise we had just enough gravity to get water in the house), our tankless water heater has been out for several weeks (praise the company is sending us replacement parts for FREE!) and our State-side mini-van "died" and can only be scrapped (it was given to us last year and the repairs are more than it's value.)

The Ranch's UNused 15-passenger van. Urgh!!!!
PRAY for the van! We received a large donation that we want to use to import the van. (Many Honduran friends and missionaries said that the tax-free process was a long-shot.) However, the Honduran government agency LOST the car's documents; it is as if the van never came into Honduras! PRAY our lawyer and his team find a way to get us some Honduran plates! We could really use this vehicle!

First ever Beard family vacation since moving to Honduras in 2010!
PRAISE God for His provision to allow us to take a week vacation with Marillyn's parents, Wayne & Brooke Goranson. They now live in Costa Rica and they hosted us for the week. God is good!

Love you all, Support Team!

Thanks for your constant prayer, friendship & gifts!