Unashamed Missions Team:
July 2012 |
July 14th-
21st we hosted our largest short-term team yet: 34 people. What made
this team from Unashamed Missions
unique and special was the family make up – eleven families represented with 11
men, 11 women and 12 kids.
We divided
the week into community construction outreach blessing three families that are
involved with Rancho Oasis;
Project #1: Melissa's Roof Project #2: Idalia's Roof
Project #3: Alicia's Roof
Vacation Bible School discipling the village
children in the Word of God;
Younger Girls Group Older Boys Group
Younger Boys Group Older Girls Group
and a community health outreach instructing the
local woman about better health – physically and spiritually.
Health Outreach Lecture & Hands-on Teaching
Rug Hooking Class students show off their nearly finished work
God was
glorified and the vision of Rancho Oasis to disciple the people of Honduras was
As always, personal testimony is a powerful tool; to see how true
this was – please enjoy the following quotes from the Unashamed Team members:
God taught
me “that I can pray about anything and that I need to pray more, also that
there are lots more needs in Honduras that the US [and] that I want to do more
missions trips.”
10, student
Trying out new shoes |
God taught
me “to rely on him when I am having my family fall apart at home.”
My most
memorable moment was “when the women [attending the health outreach] hugged me
every day and that two days later they answered all of mine and Jason’s review
questions correctly.”
-Arden, 49, nurse
Nexser & Alex |
“[God] taught
me to love on the kids and help them.”
My most
memorable moment was when “all the kids that went on the bus all surrounded me
and hugged me.”
As a result
of serving at Rancho Oasis I’m going to “try to help at the church more.”
-Alex, 12,
Bethany & Alexa |
“God really
showed me the importance of family this week. Not only did I grow closer to my
own family this week, but I also became closer to my church family. Meeting all
the kids and seeing how well they thrived at Rancho Oasis uplifted me because
even though they do not have support at home like I do, they are completely
content because they know they can rely on God.”
A memorable
moment for me was “seeing Nexser’s grandmother so appreciative of our help and
willing to help in the process. Watching her carry rocks through the mud and
raking her own trash warmed my heart because she was truly grateful of what we
did for her.”
As a result
of serving at Rancho Oasis this week I want to “focus more on witnessing to
others in my own community. If we can witness to people here with a language
barrier we can most definitely do it with our neighbors.
18, student
“God used
our missions team much like a church body this week in that we are all members
without part/gifts. God did an incredible job of using all of us to get
everything done that He had planned.”
“My most
memorable moment was seeing 12-14 young men sitting at Jon’s feet (not
literally) and going through a Bible study. It reminded me of Jesus and his
rag-tag team of disciples sitting around and being taught. It impressed upon me
the significance of raising up the next generation in this community. My heart
was stirred for their spiritual growth and development. May god bless your work
with these special young men. And may God stir a passion in their hearts for
His word.”
As a result
of serving at Rancho Oasis this week I want to “always remember to serve those
we are partnering with as the highest priority. Making sure that we always
submit to the leadership and authority of those leading the ministries we are
serving alongside”.
-Brad, 53,
pharmacy operator
“It never
ceases to amaze me how God will put people [like the Beards and other
missionaries] in my path who we can work with in the future.”
My most
memorable moment was “watching 100 Honduran kids develop relationships with our
As a result
of serving at Rancho Oasis I will “continue to prepare teams about honoring the
full time missionaries we are going to serve.”
This week
God showed me “just how blessed I am and how I want to continue to serve Him in
any way!! I learned there is nothing I can’t do with Him by my side.”
My most
memorable moment was “prayer and worship with the kids at VBS – seeing their
faces every single day was pure joy!”
As a result
of serving at Rancho Oasis “I am going to evaluate my family as far as how we
steward our time, money, etc. I want to simplify.”
-Cindy, 46, Children’s
ministry volunteer coordinator
Cynthia, Patty & Katarin |
This week
God showed me that “Flexibility is huge! Completely removing myself from the
equation and fully relying on His will for me! God is in every single detail of
My most
memorable moment was when “an older woman came and wanted to talk with me and
she was so wise. She was telling me that her life was hard and that people
always disappointed her, but the Lord has always been here for her and had
never forsaken her. She said being a Christian is not easy, but she intends to
fight the good fight”
As a result
of serving at Rancho Oasis I am “taking every day to look for ministry. [Also,]
that ministry never stops and to continue to grow in Christ.”
34, full time children’s ministry
David & daughter, Alexandra |
God “taught
me the true meaning of to be still and seek him. This was the first time in a
very long time that I put God’s direction, message and desires before my own.
It was very humbling to come to Ojojona and see people being so thankful to God
when they had so little.”
construction projects were all gratifying, but one afternoon we took the time
to repair a small children’s swing. It was pretty insignificant in the amount
of labor and materials spent, but the response the kids gave was priceless.
Serving other was truly the most rewarding part.”
As a result
of serving at Rancho Oasis “family devotionals will become a priority. I need
to elevate my role as spiritual leader of the family. In addition, I need to be
also bringing everything to God in prayer. I pray daily, but not like I should.
I need to strengthen my faith through prayer.”
-David, 46,
This week
God showed me “to trust in him with the little things as well as the big.”
My most
memorable moment was “when the kids during Bible memory asked me to play my
guitar and worship with them.”
As a result
of serving at Rancho Oasis I am going to have “more quiet time with God.”
-Eric, 14,
This week
God taught me “how to be flexible to not be so hard on myself. Love can be expressed
by a smile.”
My most
memorable moment was “when a grandmother came and ministered TO ME! I
understood what she was saying, her fervor in her spirit about how God was the
ONLY one who can save her and how life is hard, but God didn’t promise us an easy
life it brought me to tears. She ministered TO ME! Forever grateful for her
message and how I need to be more grateful!”
As a result
of serving at Rancho Oasis I am going to “pray more!”
-Erin, 37,
homemaker/pt. office assistant
This week
God taught me that He “is reassuring and will talk to us in unusual ways; God
wants all His children to be treated with respect and dignity.”
My most
memorable moment was “seeing the Honduran women cry when Proverbs
31 [was] read.”
As a result
of serving at Rancho Oasis I am going to “look at priorities; speak up more
when needs exist; listen to God more, trust God more.”
-Jason, 56, Lawyer
This week
God taught me “He always has a plan and provides for that plan; take one step
at a time and not worry about the next 5 steps.”
My most
memorable moment was “seeing the homeowner’s faces after we completed their
As a result
of serving at Rancho Oasis I am going to “look for more ways to serve others
and less self-indulgent activities; talk and write to others about our experiences.”
-Ken, 38, Information
Technology (Web)
“God taught
me that He wants me to take this experience and view my life as being in the
mission field regardless of where I am or what I’m doing. My most memorable
moment was watching my kids love on and being loved on by the kids when they
would leave for the day.”
As a result
of serving at Rancho Oasis “I am going to focus on re-prioritization of my life
and work with [my wife] to draft our values statement for our family and better
align our lives to work to that end.”
-Jack, 42,
Business Development/Sales
Jenna & Nyssa |
“This week God
showed me that I don’t have to know someone to love them. Every girl in my
[group] is going to stay in my heart forever and I don’t even know anything,
but the basics about them and sometimes a little less.”
My most
memorable moment was “at the last day of VBS when the kids were getting on the
bus all the kids I had formed relationships with hugged me and even the kids I
did not know did the same.”
As a result
of serving at Rancho Oasis “I am going to look at the world around me in a new
-Jenna, 15,
taught me to not take all of the great things for granted and to treat others
much better when they either give me something I don’t like or anything else
like that.”
My most
memorable moment was “when my kids got so happy because they were able to bring
home a toothbrush and a few toys and know all of the kids knew my name.”
-Josh, 13,
Cristian, Lauren & Tania |
God taught
me to “take time to slow down and worship Him every day. [I have] a greater
desire to learn and study His word. [Finally], no matter what barriers exist
with God as your focus, anything and everything is possible.”
A memorable
moment for me was “becoming a friend/sister in Christ with a child many miles
from my home and having the opportunity to continue to support her through
daily prayer.”
As a result
of serving at Rancho Oasis this week I want to “look for everyday opportunities
to serve in my community. Make sure each day to first focus on God and then my
family (turning out distractions.)”
-Lauren, 44,
mother/physical therapist
God taught
me “that even though you think that you’re just playing soccer with the kids or
putting a roof on someone’s house it actually makes a difference in their
lives. It shows that someone cares.”
My most
memorable moment was “when the kids were leaving VBS. Not in a bad way, but in
how excited the kids were. It kind of broke my heart to see them leave because
they were just so much fun and full of heart.”
As a result
of serving at Rancho Oasis I am going “to be grateful for everything I have and
to not complain about what I have or what I don’t have. Also, to just reach out
to the people around me.”
-Lizzy, 18,
Reed & Jose Gabriel |
“God taught
me of all the stuff I take for granted.”
“My most
memorable moment was watching the kids run out of the bus screaming for excitement.”
As a result
of serving at Rancho Oasis I am “saving up for next year’s trip.”
-Reed, 12,
“God taught
me that you don’t have to have materials to be happy.”
My most
memorable moment was “seeing all of those kid’s smiles when they ran out of the
As a result
of serving at Rancho Oasis I am going to “look at my life in new eyes and know
that I don’t need materials to make me happy. All I need is God.”
-Ryan, 14,
“God taught
me that you can teach kids about the Lord even though they speak a different
language. Also that sometimes it’s not all about you, or winning. Sometimes we
need to all let go and have fun and spend time with the kids.”
As a result
of serving at Rancho Oasis this week I want to “not take things so seriously and
have more fun, and work at the church more and be more thankful and helpful.”
-Sarah, 12,
Yerlin & Scott |
“[God] taught
me that there is one universal language and that is the Gospel. He taught me
and told me that children’s ministry is my calling and I need that to be my
next step when I get home.”
A memorable
moment for me was “the bus ride home when I got to say goodbye; [it] was
heartbreaking, but I was grateful that for four days I impacted these kids
spiritually. Also, just being able to talk to Jon about my testimony and my
future and [his] guidance really made an impact on me and I hope to continue
our friendship”
As a result
of serving at Rancho Oasis this week I want to do “continue my journey towards
working in children’s ministry and just being a missionary at work,
neighborhood and everywhere I go.”
-Scott, 25, patio
builder apprentice
Daniela & Stephanie |
“I’ve always
known that being and doing things with kids is my calling, but I never thought
that the kids and I would connect so much even though there is a language barrier
– especially with Natali and Lisye.”
A memorable
moment for me was “connecting with Natali. I fell in love with her and we
connected instantly when we went to her house on Sunday. I will always remember
her and pray for her every day.
As a result
of serving at Rancho Oasis this week I want to do “basically everything
[differently] even though this is my third trip [to Honduras], I need to really
stop wanting and wanting and taking things for granted like clean water,
flushing toilets, toilet paper, etc.”
17, student
Terri & hubby, Carl |
“I enjoyed
the simple life [the Beards] have. It’s hard work, but I like living simply.
Also, I learned to relax and let the team use their gifts. As a leader of the
team, I learned to give up control and trust Him for just about everything.
This is big for me because I can be a bit of a control freak. J.”
My most
memorable moment was “sharing the week with my three best friends.”
As a result
of serving at Rancho Oasis “I’m just continuing to release control and to trust
in God’s plan.”
-Terri, 47, housewife
God taught
me “it is not about me; it is about serving those around us, both the team and
the locals.”
My most
memorable moments were “the joy on the faces of those we did construction
projects for; seeing Scott grow as a VBS leader and how much the kids touched
his heart; seeing the joy on the faces of the kids attending VBS and hearing
the stories about them seeking to know God better.”
As a result
of serving at Rancho Oasis I’m going to “do more missions.”
“God taught
me that he makes all things possible and that he can make the most beautiful
things or people out of the least. He taught me to not be so greedy and to stop
being a spoiled brat. Christian service should not be about you.”
My most
memorable moment was “when Nexser came up to me and told me ‘see you next year’
in Spanish.”
As a result
of serving at Rancho Oasis “I’m not going to complain about the little stuff.”
14, student
God taught
me that “the Christian experience is all about relationships, loving and caring
for others. God uses all of us, if we are just willing to listen and respond.”
"Besides trying to chop off my leg, [a minor construction accident, a memorable
moment for me was] the children in Ojojona were just beautiful, gentle, quiet
and polite. I firmly believe that reaching and changing that generation is the
way to achieve long term benefit and commitment to Christ."
As a result
of serving at Rancho Oasis this week, I will “always remember the tremendous
blessing and the gift of Grace that God has provided me and my family. Look for
other opportunities to serve and be open to them.”
-David, 58, IT & Network
“I had
enjoyed serving in food prep and snack rotation at VBS. I loved getting
to greet the kids each day while helping with hand washing. I also very
much enjoyed reading books with your girls every day. I know it was the
Spirit who led me to pick up the children's books at the Christian bookstore before
I came.”
“The work you are doing is amazing. I think your example of servant
leading your family is an excellent witness in a community where men are rarely
so involved with caring for the family.”
The week was
exhausting and truly amazing – one big “God only” story as my new friends from
Texas like to say! Muchisimas gracias, yawl!!!
Do everything without complaining and arguing, so
that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God,
shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. Hold
firmly to the word of life; then, on the day of Christ’s return, I will be
proud that I did not run the race in vain and that my work was not useless. But
I will rejoice even if I lose my life, pouring it out like a liquid offering to
God, just like your faithful service is
an offering to God. And I want all of you to share that joy. Yes,
you should rejoice, and I will share your joy.