Week 12
Our sending church: Calvary Chapel Des Moines March 2014 |
LEFT: How many guys does it take to set the first stable post? Enough!
RIGHT: Gabe & Oscar mix the concrete by-hand.
LEFT: The "monkeys" on the crew set the stable's rafters
RIGHT: The ladies coat the wood with a bug/water repellent
The new RO4Y stable - 85% complete!!! Praise the Lord!!! |
LEFT: The ladies teach the kids English vocab bingo with Lucinda at the local elementary school.
RIGHT: Ray helps Fernando during guitar class.
LEFT: Mare & Shannon share some laughs (and a few tears).
RIGHT: Following Bible study, the ladies teach the girls how to make rubber-band bracelets.
Gracias, CCDM!!! It was a great week of ministry & fellowship!!! |
Week 13
Marillyn & her father, Wayne Goranson, have their final walk through of the house before his return to the US. |
LEFT: Wayne's bottle window art
RIGHT: Oscar holds a recent find on the new property; he's holding the severed snake body together!
We love you "Papi" Wayne!!! |
Adding the final layer of adobe bricks on the house walls. |
Girl's Bible study worship in Diana's home! Diana had to watch her home, so we switched location for a week! |
A few of the soccer boys had the opportunity to meet Samuel Cabellero, former Honduran football star who works with youth. The Ranch might partner with World Vision and Samuel's football program. |
Week 14
The Trade School students hold their new, New Believer Bibles. We continue to read through various New Testament passages twice a week. |
Jon discusses wood with Francisco while purchasing lumber in Tegus for the new home. |
Foundation ditches being dug on the new staff housing. |
Collecting glass bottles for our window art project at the local dump! |
Mare works with the kids, planting in the garden. |
Tabitha tries out the new loom that "Papi" Wayne built. |
Week 15
The adobe bricks being produced for the new staff housing. |
A mixture of mud, water & pine needles are placed in the wooden mold to make the bricks.
Our "Futbolito" Tournament winners in the village: Ismael, Cesar, Nexser and Marvin. |
The walls have begun to be stuccoed - a concrete "coating" to cover/protect the adobe bricks. |
Roof Ready!!! |
Oscar leads Bible study on our Saturday morning "Futbolito" Tournament in Ojojona. |
Thanks for your continued prayer covering over our family, ministry partners & outreach!!!