Week 1
RO4Y Staff pose with "el ano viejo", the old year.
A Honduran New Year's tradition of "burning out the old year"
to bring in the new. |
PRAY that the Lord would have His way with the ministry of Rancho Oasis and that He would continue to refine & mold our lives and His ministry.
Marillyn and Tabi make the face for "el ano viejo". |
RO4Y friends, the Amara family, from Marillyn's childhood church, Calvary Chapel Pacific Coast, visited the Ranch for a long weekend and joined in the New Year's celebration! |
Naomi's sparkle dance |
This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God
gave you when I laid my hands on you. 2 Timothy 1:6 (NLT) |
PRAISE: Tabitha asked Jesus to "come into her life" (her own words) a few days after our New Year's celebration. Exciting news!
PRAY for her compassionate heart to grow in understanding of her Savior!
Tobi enjoyed himself a little too much... |
For our God is a devouring fire.
Hebrews 12:29 (NLT)
Ilsy & the kids celebrate the end of "el ano viejo" (never mind it was only 9:30 PM) |
Friend & fellow missionary, Marc Tindall,
preps the Ranch's Youth Group for their work at the dump. |
Every Wednesday, Marc delivers food & feeds workers at Tegus' landfill/dump/crematory. |
PRAY for the youth at Rancho Oasis to find God's calling on their lives
& to find more ways to help those around them with greater needs.
The ladies serve rice and beans from the back of Marc's truck on New Year's day. |
The day's events brought much to reflect upon as we started 2014. |
Post-dump, fast food lunch stop.
Our first youth group field trip was a success. |
Ilsy gets into the Word with the Friday afternoon girl's Bible study. |
PRAY for the girl's understanding of Scripture & their salvation.
The Ranch's Filipenses U-14 team watchs the Filipenses U-12 team take on
the Filipenses Reserves (ages 8 - 10). It was an upset victory for the Reserves 3 - 2. |
PRAY for Oscar, Jose Miguel and Jon, as we
coach these boys to grow in their relationship with Christ.
Captain of the Reserves, Josue Emmanuel or "Apa", chases down the ball. |
Week 2
Jon & Naomi take a father-daughter trip to share about
Rancho Oasis at the Teen Missions Honduras campus near Lago Yojoa. |
Honduran students from around the country join
to study how to serve their own people for Christ. |
PRAY for the Ranch's involvement with Honduras youth who are passionate about Christ. Perhaps the Lord will open some opportunities for
discipleship & service at RO4Y.
On our departure from the missions camp,
Naomi & I enjoyed some time at Honduras' largest lake, Yojoa. |
PRAY for Naomi, Tabitha, Tobias, Poema, Lissye, Fernando & Genesis.
Our kids need to know Jesus' love,
just as much as the one's we serve at the Ranch.
Taller CDP student, Ana Melissa, continues to make some quite impressive paper bead necklaces. |
Taller CDP student, Yovanis, assembles some fun(ky) paper bead bracelets. |
PRAY for the Ranch's trade school, Taller CDP.
We are revamping the cooking & agriculture classes
and improving the artisan craft class.
Tobias hangs with Rocio, one of the daughters of a trade school student. |
Lucinda continues to work with the younger girls group during Friday afternoon's Bible study. |
PRAISE for staff like Lucinda; PRAY for more!
The Bible study students show off their friendship bracelets
after discussing the theme of "friendship with God." |
PRAY for Ilsy, Jon, Lucinda and Marilyn (Oscar's wife),
as we share God's truth with these young ladies.
The "not-so-glamorous-side" of having three soccer teams:
equipment maintenance! |
PRAY for the Ranch's 3 soccer teams:
our season is finishing soon and these boys need Jesus!
He came into the very world he created, but the world didn’t recognize him. He came to his own people, and even they rejected him. But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn—not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God.
John 1:10-13 (NLT)