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Ministry-partners (aka staff) weekly Bible study. |
A New Year & a RE-Newed Passion
As one can expect our return to Honduras was with mixed emotions.
Yet, our re-Christ centered marriage, family and personal devotional life has helped us look at the challenges of life & ministry in Honduras with new eyes. We've approached things more prayerfully and with an intent to move forward in ministry as the Lord leads.
We've realized that with all the work yet to accomplish at the new property, we're still in a building stage. Ministry continues, but we've kept it at a slower pace!
Yet, our re-Christ centered marriage, family and personal devotional life has helped us look at the challenges of life & ministry in Honduras with new eyes. We've approached things more prayerfully and with an intent to move forward in ministry as the Lord leads.
We've realized that with all the work yet to accomplish at the new property, we're still in a building stage. Ministry continues, but we've kept it at a slower pace!
Enjoy the photos & keep us in prayer!
Our view from our "airport shuttle" - an open-ended box truck originally from Lowes! The look on many Hondurans' faces were priceless when they saw a Gringo family in back! |
"Bienvenidos" says Sheba, our Great Pyrenes- Honduran mutt mix. |
Got paper-beads??? |
PRAY for the students' dedication to the school & Christ.
Cindy has been with us for three years. She is a single mom who lives with her boyfriend, kinda like common law marriage in practice. |
PRAY for these young mothers to know Jesus
and share the heavenly Father's love with their kids.
Marillyn reviews the new students exams. The exams help Marillyn and Ilsy see the student's dedication and willingness to improve / receive correction. |
PRAY for Ilsy & Marillyn as they desire to not only make
great artisan crafts, but to draw closer to the students
and see them grow in their relationship with the Lord. (Ilsy teaches the trade school devotional and plans on starting up the elementary girls' Bible study next month.)
Spread the word about the student's etsy store: Las Aguas Verdes Summer & Spring colors available now!!! |
PRAY for a steady flow of sales on the Etsy store so that the
students can have a more consistent source of income.
The girl's show off their new Honduran residency cards. Thanks brother Tobias for being born in Honduras! PRAY for these 3rd-culture kids to love Jesus! |
Continue to PRAY for Wayne's healing and ministry. He and Brooke move to Costa Rica in March to serve alongside a local church body.
AGUA!!! After 6 months of NO RUNNING WATER in our new house, we are super blessed!!! |
PRAY for wisdom, vision and insight into the work on the new property. A lot has to be accomplished with the infrastructure. Poco a poco!!!
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Friend and 3rd time visitor to Rancho Oasis, Brent McNeese, heads up the project to get water to our new home! Wayne supervises his efforts! |
PRAY for our short-term teams scheduled for 2016.
Jon's parents arrive in March!
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When I suggested to Brent to do some local sightseeing, he said, "I'm not leaving this property until you have running water in your house!" Thanks for your dedication & fellowship, hermano!!! |
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Lucinda begins her third year of service with us at Rancho Oasis. Here, she instructs Tabitha in her first grade curriculum. PRAY for God's timing on more full-time ministry partners!!! |
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Oscar intrsucts the U-12 boys in soccer tactics & Biblical truth. |
PRAY for the salvation & spiritual growth of these boys!
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The U-12 boys finished the season in first place before entering the playoffs! "Bien hecho, ninos!" |
PRAISE for a great season and harmony/focus among the boys.
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Our newly formed U-25 team of "boy-veterans". It is exciting to work with many of these former U-12/U-15 players as young men! |
PRAISE for the opportunity to reconnect with many of the young men that we've invested in over the last four years of futbol, as well as the opportunity to continue to work with the young boys as they graduate the U-12 team!
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The U-25 young men's team has started the season with three losses. We knew the season would be tough, but are praying for spiritual breakthrough with these boys as well as some more goals! |
PRAY for perseverance for Oscar and the boys as we play
through this first, challenging season.
through this first, challenging season.
Our newest intern Chelsea. She's great! PRAY for her as she serves through April!!! |
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Retreat or bust!!! We rented a 15-passenger van to attend the retreat: the Beard family 6, Wayne & Brooke Goranson and Chelsea! |
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John Mattica, founder & director of the Honduran Fellowship of Missionaries and Ministries. This group has been a great source of encouragement to us! |
PRAISE for HFMM and the opportunity to fellowship
and network for the Kingdom.
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English worship, fellowship and teaching were highlights of the weekend! |
PRAISE for the many opportunities to worship in our heart language.
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I, Jon, was able to play some percussion with the youth during their retreat worship times! This was a special treat for me as I don't often get to lead worship with drums. |
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Our neighbor and new "ranch-hand" Adrian with Oscar. PRAY for God to open Adrian's heart to the Gospel via Oscar and the Ranch's testimonies. |
PRAISE! After nearly two years of waiting, our US non-profit has finally been recognized in Honduras!!!
We've got a final "inscription" fee of around $800 within the next month or so. PRAY for provision.
Our "tropical" horses are crazy for anything fruity, including avocados skins! LOL! |
PRAY for our vehicle situation.
Our 2000 Durango has been in the shop since our return to Honduras, but PTL a friend has lent us his pick-up. PRAISE - while attending the 2016 Calvary Chapel missions conference in California, Marillyn's parents met a missionary mechanic, Kip, who specializes in transmission repair. (He himself replaced his own 1999 Durango's transmission.) Kip has found three possible replacement transmissions ranging from $2,100 - $3,000. His goal is to raise the funds for the transmission, delivery and a ticket to come install the transmission himself! PRAY for provision!
SWEET FELLOWSHIP - The Beards join some friends from Tegus for lunch after attending the church service at Union Church in Tegucigalpa. After some good, consistent fellowship in the States, we decided to dedicate Sundays to having some English speaking fellowship in the capital. |
PRAY that God would move on people's hearts to give financially, we were hit with some extra expenses this last month.
Our washing machine of six years died & the electrical company demanded we pay for the last six month's of electrical use at once ($625) or they were going to cut the electricity, literally. (We got a new washer on sale for $580 and we now will be receiving monthly bills for electricity.)
QUE HERMOSA - God blessed us with this beautiful mountain sunset while returning from Tegucigalpa. |
We PRAISE the Lord for His faithfulness & know He will continue to provide through our supporters and many other miraculous means.
Blessings / Bendiciones!!!
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