Written by Marillyn
It isn't easy to catch a beautiful smile like that with these kids.
Most are so solemn... life is hard for many of them.
But when they come here to RO4Y, they are able to forget for a while and just be kids... silly, goofy and laughing. There is so much peace here and they can feel it!
I know a real smile when I see one... it lights up their eyes.
Like Diana, up there.
She has a hard life... Dad is alcoholic and can't keep a job. Both Mom and Dad can't read. They live very simply on beans, rice and corn tortillas.
Thankfully, Diana has chosen to learn to read and write. She has chosen to come to RO4Y. It seems that she wants to choose a better life and learn more about Jesus.
Help us help her.
We want to help with her spiritual needs and physical needs. We want to do that for every kid that comes here as much as possible!
Between Christmas & New Year, we are planning to put together food baskets and give them out has gifts to the families of the kids we work with. For $25 we can give a family a basket of wholesome food that will last them anywhere from 2 days to a week... depending on how many people are in the family.
This picture is to give you an idea of what we want to give out... it's not complete. We desire to add in fruits and more fresh veggies. In the basket are beans, rice, bag of masa, sea salt, spices, oil, honey, tea, veggies and the plastic tub.
Would you like to help give a food basket or two? If yes, you can easily donate $25 or more by clicking our Paypal donate button on the right sidebar or write a check and send it to the address shown under the donate button.
We are also planning a big dinner celebration before New Year on the 30th of Dec. We are inviting all the parents of the kids that we minister to... that includes kids from guitar class, Friday Bible class, Teen Bible Study and the Soccer Boys. We will be expecting a big turn out. Please keep that day in your prayers!
It is our desire to share with these parents what we are doing with their kids. Please pray for wisdom for Jon as he puts together a simple message to encourage the parents to read the Bible with their children or have their children read to them. Basically, to invest spiritually in their kids lives. It is common for most families to go to church, but never read the Bible in their own time or with their children.
That's why we desire to find a Bible that will benefit the whole family. Imagine the amazing impact that these parents would have on their kids!
We were hoping to give out kid-friendly (pictures and simple scripture format) Bibles or devotional to the families at the dinner party, but we are unable to find a kid's spanish Bible or devotional that we like in Tegucigalpa. Please pray that we will be able to find something soon! Also, if you have any recommendations... please let us know!
Would you like to help us purchase Bibles for these families? If yes, again, you can easily donate by clicking our Paypal donate button on the right sidebar or write a check and send it to the address shown under the donate button.
We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and looking forward to a great New Year!!
Blessings from the Beard Family :o)
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