Marillyn getting ready for bed five hours before delivery.VERY LARGE!!! Unlike Naomi and Tabitha, this baby went full term. Mare had started showing signs of delivery 3 hours earlier. We (the Goransons, Mare and I) began unpacking our preplanned home birth equipment.
Mare and I trying to stay warm and focused. Though only 15 degrees North of the equator, we live at 5,100 ft. above sea level. It was in the upper 40's and windy. Mare woke me up and we began to heat the water for a water birth.
We were praying for a mid-day, sunny birth to help solar heat 5 gallon water bottles. We switched to plan B and heated the birthing tub water on the stove and carried the water out to the bathhouse.
Mare laboring in the tub. Wayne sealed off the windows and the small floor heater made a huge difference. Water was lukewarm, but Mare was too focused to notice.
Contractions, water breaking, the ring of fire. Welcome to labor 101
Tobias - "believing the Lord is good"
Dayne - a hybrid honoring grandpas David & Wayne
9 lbs. 2 oz.
He's one big dude, but very tranquil.
Proud Papa.
Proud Papi (the girl's nickname for Wayne)
Tabi and Nomi meet their new baby brother. My only disappointment with the birth is that the girls weren't able to participate. Thankfully, the thought didn't even appear to cross their minds.
- we continue to walk by faith -
"knowing that the Lord is good."
Wow, no midwife, youse guys are brave and good.
Congratulations everyone. The girls look happy. So does Mare. of course y'all look real happy. Naomi told me the other day that she wanted a brother and now she has one. cute.
I love his name.
Love Grammy "Ole"
Congrats !!
We love and miss you all.
Praises to the father for bringing you all through the birth of Tobias saftely.
Merry Christmas.
the Wrices
Amazing! Praise God!
What a blessing!
Congratulations I am so glad that all went well and that the girls enjoy him too. Merry Christmas and Happy New year.
Aunt and Great Aunt Steph
I sent emails to all of our cousins here in the States announcing we have a new addition to our families.
Groovy! Ed Walkwitz
Congrats! What do you call a little Beard? A wisker! We are so happy for you guys!
We are rejoicing with you over the safe delivery of this dear little Sweetheart. God is so good and His grace truly is amazing. Thank you for sharing these wonderful pictures!
Terry and Lauren Spann
Congratulations to all the Beards. So happy to welcome a little "whisker". Grandma and Grandpa Beard are beaming. Tell Naomi and Tabitha that they will be the best big sisters and helpers.
The Lord's blessings on your family as you love and serve Him in Honduras. We love you.
Dear Family
I am really happy to be part of your joy. Congratulations for this beautiful baby. Praise the Lord.
Greetings from Costa Rica.
That is amazing... You guys are also! God bless you guys and hope to see you soon... God's continued blessing upon you and your growing family.
Felicidades John!! que lindo esta tu bebe,, Dios es Bueno y fiel me alegra que tu esposa este bien, me imagino que las niñas esta super contentas con el nuevo bebe,
Dios te bendiga
Glory to God!!!
Amazing story!!!!!! Congratulations Beards and welcome little Tobi! We are so happy for you and praise God the birth went so smoothly. Love, Travis and Laura Ramos
So wonderful to hear how God blessed your pregnancy, labor and delivery of your new bundle of joy!!! Pray for a quick healing for you Mare and pray God watches over your little love.
Erin S.
Congrats! What a beautiful blessing. Lots of prayers for a quick healing to you all:)
How precious your new son is. Miss you guys, and I don't know how Mare did it wow she is a STRONG woman. God bless my brother and sister, your brother in Christ, Guy
Praise the Lord for the miracle of this birth and the one that happened 2,000 years ago. It was a BOY!!! then too. We are thrilled with Tobi, Tabi and Nomi.
The proud grandma and grandpa Beard
Nice goin Mare
Praise the Lord, what a wonderful and healthy baby. Mare you are brave! God bless you all guys. Gily.
Marilyn and Jon, Congratulations on the birth of a SON! What a precious gift at such an appropriate time of year. God is Good and has blessed you with a beautiful family. We send our love to you all, Carol and Keith
All I can say is, BEAU-TI-FUL! How awesome, a beautiful little boy to add to the mix. I am so excited for you all (a little saddened because I won't be able to hold him) and thankful that all went well, God is good! Please post many pics. as this is how we get to see and be a part of your lives these days! Hugs and Kisses to you all!
Love, Mark, Linda, Jordan, Devyn, Joshua, Dylan, Charlie AND Amber
I simply must protest:
trooper (troop·er[ trpər ](troop·ers)
1. a member of calvary unit,
2. cavalry horse
3. mounted police officer
4. Same as state trooper
I do not believe the most beautiful Marillyn belongs in this catagory. No I do not. Even her nickname, she is most definitely NOT a horse, and those state troopers (at least in Indiana), well suffice to say she bares no resemblence.
Words that do come to mind:
These are just a few that hardly come close to describing the wonder wrapped up in the joy that is Marillyn Iola Goranson Beard.
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