This Christmas we were blessed to be able to give away
The Word of God via Faith Comes By Hearing’s “Proclaimer” Bible Radios. These radios have the entire New Testament on a MP3 dramatized format and can be recharged via solar energy. We were able to give the “Bibles” to almost all the families of the church, including several individuals who are illiterate. Please enjoy their testimonies below:
Doña Tiadora can't read. She is married and the mother of five children; the oldest is married, the youngest five years old. They also do not have electricity. As she received the "Proclaimer" hers eyes welled up with gratitude.
This is Patricia and her daughter Gabriela; she is Dona Tiadora's daughter-in-law. They do not have electricity at their home. She can read, but is excited to share the Proclaimer with her unsaved husband who can't. Patricia gave us a squash to show her thanks.
Meet sisters/mothers Mirna and Bessy. They share their home with four other adults, four teenagers and thirteen children (21 people). Bessy can not read and is excited to share the Word of God with her children and nephews/nieces!
This is
Mauren and two of her grandchildren, Mildred and Leandro. They share a home with four adults and four children. They were excited to listen to the Christmas story.
Doña Rafaela (far left), her daughter, Noemi and granddaughter, Aeda (centered) were blessed to prepare Christmas Eve dinner while listening to the Word of God via the Proclaimer (on the table). Doña Rafaela and her sister (far right) can not read. They share their home with a total of seven adults and three children.
Sister in Christ, Guadalupe and three of her four children (from left to right) Fernando (13), Gerson (11) and Genderson (9). Lupe was excited to have the opportunity to disciple her sons with the Word of God and witness to her unsaved husband and oldest daughter.

This is Ana Luisa and her nieces Karen (14) Rosibel (10).

Both Karen and Rosibel can not read and were really happy to receive the Proclaimer.
Their grandmother, Doña Maria Ernestina, watches the girls and five other children.They also do not have electricity.

Meet Mauda and her nephew Ever. Ever is 15 and can not read. His eyes lit up with fascination over the Proclaimer.
Meet mother Jeny (white polo) and family: son Josue, husband Herman and daughters Ani and Evelyn. Jenny, a recent believer is excited to share God's Word with her unsaved family.

Sister in Christ Carla and her unsaved family. Husband Omar, sons Jose and Yafet and daughter Helen. Carla was encouraged to know she will grow in her faith and testimony with the family via the Proclaimer.
Doña Rosa (blue hoodie)

and family: Daughters Ena, Liset and Ilsy, grandchildren Braisy, Lisy, Alejandra and Harvin. Dona Rosa lives with five of her adult children and five of her grandchildren. She is the only commited Christian in her home and is blessed to have a new way to share God's word with her kids and grandchildren.
Nearly three years ago, Marillyn’s parents, Wayne and Brooke Goranson, decided to move to Central America and invited us to tag along and live out the vision for RO4Y together. Living in the same house with your in-laws might not sound like the most appealing accommodations, but God has used our families to stretch and deepen our faith tremendously.
With much mixed emotions, we close this chapter of our life. The Goransons have been a huge blessing to us personally, for Rancho Oasis and the Kingdom of God. Wayne and Brooke still plan on being an active part of RO4Y, but are merely changing venues back to living in the USA. Please pray for both Ranch Oasis and ICM Central America. Mare and I are excited to once again pioneer the ministry, but are genuinely nervous. Praise God He is in control.
We’ve been blessed with a new/used family car. Over the Thanksgiving Holiday, we met with some other missionaries. One of these missionaries was interested in Wayne’s Ford F-250 (pictured on left) and we liked his Dodge Durango (pictured on right).
It was a divine match and we swapped the cars. Praise God we’ve had a total of $4,000 be donated for the Durango, but are looking to cover the other $3,000. Please pray about donating to us for the Durango.
Despite being our fifth Christmas south of the border (2 Mexico, 2 Costa Rica, 1 Honduras), it is a little strange to not have snow for Christmas! However, I’m not going to complain about highs in the low 70’s and sunshine. Hondurans celebrate on Christmas Eve with a family dinner then sleep in on the 25th.
Because of the Goransons departure on Christmas day, we had Christmas Eve lunch and then enjoyed the afternoon together. We have been hugely blessed with a son, a new vehicle, and all the goods the Goransons couldn’t bring back to the US (flashlights, tools, etc.). We took a break from classes and Sunday service this week, but will begin again in the new year.
Tuesday, December 28th we have a group of short term missionaries arriving for ten days from Freedom, Wisconsin. We are excited to host the team of six at the Ranch in our nearly finished guest house. The team will be helping to finish the “Casita” during their time at RO4Y. Please pray for us and the team over the next few weeks, Satan always tries to disrupt what God has planned for us.
Tuesday, January 11th we will be receiving much needed help from a young, West Virginian woman named Josy Tarantini. She has a heart to serve the Lord in the mission field and desires to get some field experience. Josy has spent the last three months serving in a school in Peru and will be at the Ranch ministering alongside us through April, 2011. Please pray for Josy and her time at Rancho Oasis.
1. Last post's focus on football hasn't really developed at the Ranch. After our first event, we held a second soccer game, but it was more organized by local area teams. I was able to share a brief devotional before reffing the game. Soccer is still a tremendous door of opportunity with the men and I'm praying what that looks like. Continue to pray that God would open doors and give direction.
2. Praise: We received several generous donations for our bus troubles last month. The rebuilt alternator held for a month and died again last week when returning home from Sunday service. My mechanic, Ivan, looked for a new one, but when he couldn't find it had it rebuilt again - this time with a six month guarantee!
3. The guitar students lead worship with me for the second time. I have video, but haven't been able to put it up yet. It was an awesome blessing. Please continue to pray for the class, students and their spiritual and musical growth.
4. Sunday afternoon service continues with two childrens Bible studies and the adult study. I recently challenged the adults to pass out three tracts to family and friends in response to the shepherds spreading the news about Jesus' birth. We also received a new visitor names Rafaela. She commented that she has seen a tremendous change in her ten year old granddaughter and she wanted to check us out! PTL! Continue to pray that God would open the minds of the people to His word!
5. Tobias and Marillyn are doing great.
Mare will have exactly two weeks of rest before the team from Wisconsin arrive on the 28th! Pray for continued readjusting to her new/original body and for Tobi's growth and health.
6. Continue to pray for our immigration status. Our special permission for a year Visa should be granted in January. We are STILL waiting! Because of Tobias' birth, we are also going to work on applying for permanent residency. Pray that the two separate government offices will let us work on changing status from VISA to resident.
7. Continue to pray for the logistics of the short term missions team arriving in February from West Virginia. The will be involved with a medical brigade, VBS and construction projects.
8. Bus importation is still in process - pray that it will be resolved/accomplished sooner than later.
9. We finally have internet!!! Praise the Lord!
10. On a very serious note, please pray for us. Satan is alive and well in Central America and wants nothing more than to destroy our foundation in Christ, our families, marriages and ministry. This month I’ve had two pastor friends leave the formal ministry: one voluntarily stepped out of a head pastor position to renew his marriage (awesome boldness) and the other was asked to step down by his spiritual leaders. We are fragile and look to the Lord for strength!
Christmas Eve Lunch 2010
God Bless youse guys and your ministry. Sounds like the new year is going to be strong for y'all.
I will continue to keep you in my prayers daily.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to y'all.
Just talked to my neighbor and she said we had 3 or 4 inches of snow in Alabama on Christmas Day and the day after.
I am in Texas at Deb and Dan's for Christmas
Love Grammy "Ole"
P.S. after you get your new mailbox let me know your address as I want to send the kids sonmething.
Thanks for the update. love the pics and all
What a great post. Things are really moving for you all. Praise The Lord for His awesome faithfulness. You all are so blessed. Miss you. I got the money saved up to come out with Heartland. So pray that I can get time off from work. Satan loves to use work against me. Love you guys.
Looks like your Christmas was nice! Hope to see you soon.
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