One of the chief needs in our waiting upon God, one of the deepest secrets of its blessedness and blessing, is a quiet, confident persuasion that it is not in vain; courage to believe that God will hear and help; we are waiting on a God who never could disappoint His people.
Andrew Murray’s Waiting on God
Andrew Murray’s Waiting on God

Sunday afternoon service has also been a great blessing.
My mother-in-law, Brooke, and I have been leading worship; then we breake up into four, sometimes five Bible studies: toddler to seven-years-old, eight to eleven, teens, woman’s and men’s groups. All but one of these studies are lead by members of Calvary Chapel Tegucigalpa. Pastor Jason from Tegus and I have set a goal to stop sending/depending on help from CC Tegus members in October. Currently, that seems impossible because I’m the only Spanish speaker on staff. I’m looking into ways to equip some of the woman and teens with the knowledge to teach the younger classes, but still not sure how the adult studies will pan out. Many ideas are being prayed through, including having be teach all the adults and teens together, with a few adults and teens teaching the younger class. Please pray for wisdom in this transition coming in October.
Tegus missionary Patty Mula, Marillyn, Tabi - Brooke and Tegus helper Karina
Meeting with local pastors:
One my heart’s desires is to befriend and disciple pastors and leaders in the area. I’ve been given so much in terms of training that to bless church leaders with some of this knowledge to intern blesses their own people would… bless my socks off. I’ve begun working through Intensive Care Ministries’ Inductive Bible Study Seminar material with a local pastor named Carlos. Although he missed our second meeting last Wednesday, he came a few days later to help clarify a few questions he had about the homework. It was exciting to see his excitement about the growing in the word! (Learn more about ICM and my father-in-law, Wayne’s ministry).
One my heart’s desires is to befriend and disciple pastors and leaders in the area. I’ve been given so much in terms of training that to bless church leaders with some of this knowledge to intern blesses their own people would… bless my socks off. I’ve begun working through Intensive Care Ministries’ Inductive Bible Study Seminar material with a local pastor named Carlos. Although he missed our second meeting last Wednesday, he came a few days later to help clarify a few questions he had about the homework. It was exciting to see his excitement about the growing in the word! (Learn more about ICM and my father-in-law, Wayne’s ministry).
We are interested in purchasing this baby colt. Naomi named him Paz (“Peace”). We’ve offered the family 2,000 lempiras ($106) and are waiting for a response. If you are interested in sponsoring the purchase of this horse, please contact us.
Continue to pray for
-Internet. Still no news or installation.
-Marillyn and the baby. Visited the local private hospital for an ultrasound. Todo cheque! (All is good). Still searching for a midwife. Yesterday got one step closer with the phone number of a woman from Ojojona. (We visited her house, but wasn´t there).
-Jon´s parents are visiting in September to celebrate the girls birthdays. Pray for the safe travel and preparation.
-Literacy class is growing.
-Increased financial support to cover new expenses like electrical bill and internet bill.
-Our home´s construction to be completed. We know all is in God´s timing…
-Our helper, Jose Luciano, has been faithful to come all week and accomplishing much! Praise God!
-Wisdom for the start of a new project on the Ranch. We are going to do a facelift on one of the current houses on the property. We received a generous donation specifically for this work, as we hope it will encourage people to come down and join us for staff. Two new, local men will be working for us – Oscar and Jose Alfredo. Wayne, my father-in-law, will be directing this project (We have our first official new staff member coming in January. Josy, a recent high shool grad from West Virginia).
-Guitar class is still going strong. The numbers have thinned out, but this allows the faithful (and gifted) to get more time on one of the 4 guitars we have.
I'm so excited to see how God is working in your ministry!
Hi guy's! You are, as always, an encouragement to us all. I will pray as you have asked, and even more, that you continue in the growth of the knowledge of Him. God is so present in your ministry.
Hi guys!!! This is cristine, one of the leaders from the Calvary Chapel Dallas team that came up in june. I have been praying for you guys and its such a blessing to see how Our Lord is providing!
I saw leslie (youth) in one of your pictures. Please tell her that we miss and love her! Especially Lauren, one of our youth girls.
It wasz so nice to see what Tyler is doing down there as well.
God bless! Tell Marilyn I say Hi too!!
Norma de Bloomingdale
Saludes a todos y god bless Marilyn and el nuevo bebe por venir.
Thanking the Lord daily. and praying for your ministry and home life as well. Keep up the good work Jon and Mare. God will provide.
Love Grammy "Ole"
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